identification, communication, rhythm, harmony, things are existence, dynamic equilibria.Abstract
There are three types of biography: a formal biography, internal fundamental autobiography and external fundamental autobiography. Formal biography reduces the description of life to the schemes used for official, career and other similar purposes. The fundamental biography have the orientation to a specific limit will be called a direction: identification, communication and to the rhythms of world harmony, respectively. The identification of life under study can be characterized as a transition from a phenomenon to a phenomenon, communication as a transition from horizon to a horizon and rhythmization as clearing of the fundamental (supporting) rhythm that characterizes life itself and the system that ensures its existence. As a result, a cell is formed consisting of three fundamental limits of dynamic equilibria, on which the “true” autobiography should be based. Interacting with the limits of dynamic equilibria, the “things are existence” of life turns into the being of life. The interaction with the limits provides the transformation of the “things are existence” to its quasi-equilibrium description or text of the “things are existence” - being. Directly to the individual is given the being of “things are existence” to the individual. It is precisely it that is accessible to its perception, because we always perceive not the very “things are existence”, but its text.
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