Editorial Team









Shermukhamedova Niginakhon Arslonovna (O`zbekiston - Toshkent)




Doctor of philosophy, professor of the National University of Uzbekistan; member of the editorial board of

journals: "Vestnik RFO" and "Historical psychology and sociology of history" (Russia); member of the editorial board of the journal: Al-Farabi and The world of man (Kazakhstan); Editor in Chief International

member of the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Societies; E-mail: Shermuhamedova_n@mail.ru




Aslanova Rabiyat (Azarbayjon )




Doctor of philosophy, professor, department head of Baku State University.







 Abdildina Rovshana Jabayhan qizi


 Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, professor, doctor of philosophy.



Mamedzade Ilham Ramezog’lu (Azarbayjon )


Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, doctor of philosophy, professor.




Luka Mariya Skarantino (Italiya)


 President of the World Federation of Philosophical Societies, DSC, Professor.



Smirnov Andrey Vadimovich (Rossiya)



Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian Philosophical Society, Ph.D., professor.





Seytaxmedova Nataliya Lvovna (Qozog‘iston)


 Corresponding member of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, doctor of philosophy, professor.




 Tsuy Veyxan



 Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, DSc, Professor.






 Chumakov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich (Rossiya)



Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov;

chief yeditor of the journals ""The Age of Globalistics" academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

e-mail: chumakov@iph.ras.ru








 Takhira Allakhyarova (Azarbayjon-Baku)


Doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the Department of Center for Strategic Studies

under the President of the republic of Azerbaijan;

editor in Chief of Journal “Strategic Analisis ” Baku Azerbaijan; E - mail: tahirallahyarova@mail.com





 Andirjanova Gulnar Abdulhayirovna (Qozog‘iston)


Doctor of political sciences, professor of the University of the State People's economy of


holder of the Order of Knowledge and Labor of the Royal Academy of Sweden,

Academician of the International Academy of Sciences; E-mail: andirzhan@mail.ru



 Abbasov Ali Seidabbas o’g’lu


 Doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the department "Modern world philosophical currents" of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan;

E-mail: kila50@mail.ru.



 Doktor Yahyo Buzarinajod (Yeron)

 Dr. PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of Alborz Faculty, University of Tehran.








B.K. Santosh Kukreja (Hindiston)

 Doctor of Philosophy, director of the regional cultural and yeducational public organization

"St.Petersburg Center Brahma Kumaris";

member of the coordination council of Brahma Kumaris in Russia and the countries of the

CIS and Baltic countries;

artistic director of the creative collective "Mayak";

regional coordinator of the international initiative Brahma Kumaris; E - mail: www.brahmakumaris.ru



Bilalov Mustafa Isaevich (Rossiya)


 Doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the Department of "Ontology and Theory of knowledge" at the State University of Dagestan

E-mail: mibil@mail.ru




Gabitov Tursin Xafizovich (Qozog‘iston)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Kazakh National University Member of the International Public Foundation "Dialogue Yeurasia" of the culture fund "Zerde" and the foundation of the BSC "Civil Society"; co-chairman of the Association of Culturologists of the RK academician of ASN RK;

E-mail: tursungabitov@mail;ru


Kerimov Eyyub (Azarbayjon)


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Azerbaijan Technical University Baku Azerbaijan.



Gezalov Ariz Avazog‘lu (Rossiya)


Doctor of philosophy, member of RSA, head of the International Affairs Department of the Russian philosophical Society,

E-mail: arizkam@mail.ru



Tulenova Gulmira Jandorovna


Doctor of philosophy, professor of Tashkent University of Information Technologies.



Vefa Teshdelen



Doctor of philosophy, professor at Yildiz University .



Kurmangalieva Galiya Kurmanalievna (Qozog‘iston)

Doctor of rhilosophy, chief researcher of the philosophy department of the Institute of rhilosophy, Republic of Kazakhstan; rolitical science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Yeducation and Science of the Republic of

Kazakhstan (IFPR MK RK), editor-in-Chief of the international journal Al-Farabi

E-mail: galiya2206@gmail.com



Xudoydodzoda Farrux Begidjon (Tojikiston)


Doctor of philosophy, professor. Tajikistan State Pedagogical University vice-rector for international affairs.


Xakimov Nazir Xakimovich (O’zbekiston)


Doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the department of the Russian economical University named after GV Plekhanov in Tashkent;

e-mail: hakimovnazar.@rambler.ru



Xudoyberganov Ravshon



Doctor of philosophy, associate professor of Tashkent State Transport University.


Maxmadidzoda Nozim (Tojikiston)


Doctor of philosophy, professor, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the National University of Tajikistan;





Paxruddinov Shukriddin Ilyosovich (O’zbekiston)


Doctor of political sciences, professor of the institute of Retraining of Teachers named after A. Avloni; member of the yeditorial board of the journal "Question of Political Sciences"(Russia);






Sergeev Mexail Yurevich (AQSH)



PhD, shair of the Department of “Philosophy, relition and theology” at Wilmette institute USA; Adjunct professor at the University of the Arts Philadephia, USA

E-mail: msergeev@comcast.net.



Sagikizi Ayajan (Qozozg‘iston)


Kazakh national university named after professor al-forabi, doctor of philosophy.



To’raev Baxtiyor Omonovich



Doctor of philosophy, professor, deputy chairman of the imam bukhari international research center under the cabinet of ministers of the republic of uzbekistan; ye - mail: turaev- 2008@mail.ru.



Urmanbetova Jildiz Karibaevna (Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek)


Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of the Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University

E-mail: urmanbetova.j@gmail.com



Chjan Baychun (Xitoy)


Doctor of philosophy, rrofessor of Beijing Pedagogical University;

e-mail: zhangbaichun@sina;com




Shadmonov Qurbonjon Badriddinovich (O’zbekiston)


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Bukhara State Medical Institute.




Sharipova Erkaim Kozuevna





Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of Osh State University, Chairman of the Association of Philosophy of Southern Kyrgyzstan.



Yaxshilikov Jo’ravoy Yaxshilikovich (O’zbekiston)



Doctor of Philosophy. Professor of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov.





Yaskevich, Yadviga Stanislavovna (Belorusiya)



Doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the Department of Social Communication of the faculty of philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University member of the editorial board "Vestnik RFO" (Russia)

E - mail: яskevich.ys@gmail.com.






Qurbonova Lola Abdihadimovna (O’zbekiston )




Doctor of philosophy, dean of correspondence department of Andijan State University.





Mukhamedova Zamira Mukhamedjanovna (O’zbekiston )



Doctor of philosophy, professor at the Tashkent Dental Institute Head of the department of "Bioethics" Unesco in Tashkent;

E-mail: muhamedova_zamir@mail.ru (Uzbekistan-Tashkent).







Xidirov Mustafo Toyirqulovich (O’zbekiston)




Doctoral student of the faculty of Social sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan;

E-mail: xmt.2017@mail.ru.






Qodirov Javlon (O’zbekiston)




Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan.




Po’latov Anvar Akmalovich (O’zbekiston)


Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan.


Tyukmaeva Aida Maratovna



Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan.



Until 2023


Shermukhamedova Niginakhon Arslonovna (O`zbekiston -Toshkent) – doctor of philosophy, professor of the National University of Uzbekistan; member of the editorial board of journals: “Scientific and analytical bulletin of the Tashkent;Islamic University” and the republican magazine “Tafakkur Ziyoshi” member of the editorial board of the magazine: “Vestnik RFO”; member of the editorial board of journals: “Historical psychology and sociology of history” and “Bulletin of BGGU” (Russia); member of the editorial board of the journal: Al-Farabi and The world of man (Kazakhstan); Editor in Chief International
Journal of Decision Ethics (USA);member of the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Societies;

Shermuhamedova_n@mail.ru (Uzbekistan)

Editorial Council

Askarov Tendik Askarovich (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek) – аcademician of the Academy of sciences of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of philosophi, professor

Bazarbaev Jumaboy (Uzbekistan-Karakalpakstan) – аcademician of the Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, doctor of philosophi, professor

Mamedov Aziz Bashir o’gli (Azerbaijan-Baku) – аcademician of the Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan, doctor of philosophi, professor, аcademician of the International Academy of Sciences, Euroasian Academy of аdministrative Sciences and the Eco-Energy Academy

Parviz Morewedge, PhD – PhD, professor, director of the International Department of Scientists, Global Scholarly Publications ; Senior Scholar in Residence Emiritus; Co – Editor in Chief International Journal of Decision Ethics(IJDE) (USA) Department of History and Philosophy


Nysanbaev Abdumalik Nisanbayevich (Kazakhstan – Almata) – аcademician of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan, doctor of philosophy, professor

Tursunov Akbar (Tajikistan-Dushanbe) – аcademician of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, doctor of philosophy, professor;

Chumakhov Alexandr Nikholaevich – doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov; leading research associate of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; first Vice-President of the Russian Philosophical Society; the chief editor of the journals “Vestnik RFO” and “The Age of Globalistics” academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


Editorial board

Takhira Allakhyarova (Azarbayjan-Baku) – doctor of philosophy, professor, Head of the Department of Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the republic of Azerbaijan; Editor –in – Chief of Journal “Strategic Analisis ” Baku –Azerbaijan;
E-mail: tahirallahyarova@mail.com

Andirzhanova Gulnar Abilkhairovna (Qozog`iston – Almata) – doctor of political sciences, professor of the University of the State People’s Economy of Kazakhstan; holder of the Order of Knowledge and Labor of the Royal Academy of Sweden; Academician of the International Academy of Sciences;

Abbasov Ali Seidabbas oglu, (Azarbayjan-Baku) – doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the department “Modern world philosophical currents” of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan;

E-mail: kila50@mail.ru

Akhamer Gilbert (Avstriya – Gratsa) – Head of the Global Studies Committee at the University of Graz, member of the Environmental Protection Agency Austria

Email: gilbert.ahamer@chello.at

B.K. Didi Santosh Kukredja (India -Deli) – doctor of Philosophy, director of the regional cultural and educational public organization ‘St.Petersburg Center Brahma Kumaris’. Member of the coordination council of Brahma Kumaris in Russia and the countries of the CIS and Baltic countries. Artistic director of the creative collective ‘Mayak’. Regional coordinator of the international initiative Brahma Kumaris.
E-mail: www.brahmakumaris.ru

Bodio Tadeush (Polsha-Varshava) – doctor of Political Sciences, Head of faculty of political sciences of University of Warsaw; member of editorial board of journal «Democracy and Human Rights»(Uzbekistan).

E-mail: tbodio@wp.pl

Bilalov Mustafo Isaevich (Rossiya-Maxachkala) – doctor of philosophy, рrofessor, head of the Department of “Ontology and Theory of Knowledge” at the State University of Dagestan.

E-mail: mibil@mail.ru

Berna Arda (Turkiya-Anqara)– doctor of philosophy, professor of the Medical University of Ankara, vice-president of the “WAML”.

E-mail: berna.arda@medicine.ankara.edu.tr

Baydarov Erkin Ulanovich (Qozog`iston – Almata)— candidate of philosophy, professor of the Wildlife academy of the Russia (WAR), leading Researcher at the institute of Oriental Studies of the Ministry of Education and science, committee of science, republic of Kazakhstan

Email: erkin_u.68@mail.ru

Gabitov Tursin Hafizovich (Kazakhstan – Almata) – doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Kazakh National University, Member of the International Public Foundation ‘Dialogue Eurasia’ of the culture fund ‘Zerde’ and the foundation of the BSC ‘Civil Society’; co-chairman of the Association of Culturologists of the RK academician of ASN RK;
E-mail: tursungabitov@mail.ru

Ghezalov Ariz Avaz ogli (Rossiya -Azarbayjan)– doctor of рhilosophy, member of RSA, head of the International Affairs Department of the Russian рhilosophical Society,


Ivatova Layla Murzalievna (Qozog`iston-Astana) – doctor of political science, professor, leading Researcher at the Library of the First President Yilbasi


Korolev Andrei Dmitrievich  (Russiya -Moscow)  – Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Academic Secretary of the RFU, scientific secretary of the journal “Vestnik RFO”.

Email: korolev7772008@yandex.ru

Kurmangalieva Galiya Kurmangalievna (Qozog`iston-Almata) – doctor of рhilosophy, chief researcher of the philosophy department of the Institute of рhilosophy, Republic of Kazakhstan; рolitical science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IFPR MK RK), Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Al-Farabi.

E-mail: galiya2206@gmail.com

Lazarevich Anatoliy Arkadevich (Belarussiya-Minsk) – Candidate of Philosophy, Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Scientific Academy of Sciences of Belarus, member of the editorial board of the international journal Al-Farabi of Kazakhstan.


Mamedzade Ilham Ramiz-ogli (Azarbayjan-Baku )– doctor of philosophy, professor, director of the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS; Western Caspian University (Baku), Visiting professor at Melikshah University (Kayseri, Turkey) researcher at the University of Sofia-Antipolis, (Nice, France).

E-mail: ilham_mamedzade@mail.ru

Muzaffar Mustafo (Tadjikistan-Dushanbe) — doctor of philosophy, professor, director of Institute “Antropology” academic sciences of Tajikistan

Email: mqdmmn@mail.ru

Morewedge Rosmarie (USA, Nyu-York) – Ph.D.professor, director of the Binghamton University Exchange Programs with the University of Leipzig and the University of Graz.
E-mail: rmorewed@binghamton.edu

Naushabaeva Asem Xekimkizi (Turkiya) – Phd, professor, head of faculty of economy and management, Bitlis Eren University.

Paxrutdinov Shukriddin Ilyasovich (O`zbekiston-Toshkent) — doctor of political sciences, рrofessor of the institute of Retraining of Teachers named after
A. Avloni; member of the editorial board of the journal “Question of Political Sciences”(Russia);

E-mail: mr.shukriddin@mail.ru

Sadikova Nasiba Nurullaevna (Tadjikistan-Dushanbe) — doctor of philosophy, professor, member of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan;

E-mail: bedil68@mail

Saifnazarov Ismoil Saifnazarovich (Uzbekistan-Tashkent) – doctor of philosophy, professor of Tashkent State University; a member of the Russian philosophical Society;
E-mail: profis48_48@mail.ru

Sergeev Mixail Yurevich (USA-Nyu-York) – PhD, сhair of the Department of “Philosophy, relition and theology” at Wilmette institute USA; Adjunct professor at the University of the Arts Philadephia, USA
E-mail: msergeev@comcast.net

Telebaev Gaziz Turisbekovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, leading researcher of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy

konfer_bpp@mail.ru (Kazaxstan-Astana),

Turaev Baxtiyor Omonovich (Uzbekistan-Tashkent) – doctor of philosophy, professor, deputy chairman of the Al-Bukhori International Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
E-mail: Turaev-2008@mail.ru

Urmanbetova Jildiz Karibaevna – (Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek) – doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of the Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University.
E-mail: urmanbetova.j@gmail.com

Khakhimov Nazar Khakhimovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of the Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov in Tashkent.

hakimovnazar.@rambler.ru(Uzbekistan, Tashkent.)

Chjan Baychun (Xitoy-Pekin) – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Beijing Pedagogical University


Yaskevich Yadviga Stanislavovna (Belarus – Minsk) – doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the Department of Social Communication of the faculty of philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, member of the editorial board ‘Vestnik RFO’ (Russia).
E-mail: yaskevich.ys@gmail.com

Deputy Chief Editor

Mukhamedova Zamira Mukhamedzhanovna (O`zbekiston – Toshkent) – Doctor of philosophical Science Prof.Tashkent State Dental Institute The Bioethics Committee of the Association of Physicians in Uzbekistan.


Масъул муҳаррир

Safaeva Sabohat Hojimurodovna (Uzbekistan – Tashkent) – candidate of рhilosophy, docent, head of publishing study ‘Noshir’;
E-mail: noshir@list.ru

Scientific Secretary

Mahkamov Ulugbek Abdugapparovich (O`zbekiston – Toshkent) – Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan



Xidirov Mustafo Toyirqulovich (O`zbekiston – Toshkent) — doctoral student of the faculty of Social sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan;
