
  • Ruzmatova Gulnoz Mirakhrarovna


human psychology, arch-types, the subconscious, the individual and collective subconscious, anima, animus, persona, the self, analytical psychology, spiritual extract, emotional presets, complexes


All the studies, conducted by the humanity center mainly on the problems of man and his nature and essence. The problem of man has always been the main topic of philosophical investigations. Therefore, it requires a complex approach, which includes the achievements of both in the socio-humanitarian spheres and in the sphere of applied and natural sciences. Furthermore, in the context of the present globalizing world, where there are more struggle than ever for occupation of human mind and consequently, life-purpose, it is essential to analyze the problems of the nature of man. The technological and scientific advancements in Europe in 19th and 20th centuries might somewhat be held responsible for man’s loss of life-purpose and essence, and this created grounds for the new theories in philosophy such as “Lebensphilosophie” (“Philosophy of life”), “Existentialism”, and “Phenomenology”. The school of psychoanalysis, which was pioneered by Sigmund Freud, studied the human psyche and its various states. The follower of Freud, Carl Gustav Jung tries to explain the man employing both the theory of psychoanalysis and traditional philosophical schools of thought. It must be stated that, the works of Jung deserves recognition as an in-depth fundamental knowledge base and conceptual theory. However, true also is the fact that the works of Jung, and his overall creative life has hardly been a subject of research at all in the Independence years. Furthermore, it is absolutely necessary to study the heritage of the greats for the spiritual and intellectual nourishment of the younger generation. It will become clear if we try to imagine it in the present context of globalization. As President Shavkat Mirziyoyev states: “We must always keep a weather-eye out in these turbulent times. We must not allow strangers to take control of our children, and their minds, we must nourish them ourselves, instead. And we feel a great need for the millennia-old heritage of our great ancestors to fulfill this responsibility” [1, 23]. True enough, the study of the philosophical views of great thinkers has never lost its relevancy.


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