
  • Мukhsinov М.М
  • Аkhrorova Sh.B
  • Akhmadeeva L.R
  • Akhmadeeva E.N


Simulation technologies, medical education, teaching methods


Simulation technology allows medical students and healthcare professionals to practice skills more safely and effectively. They can perform procedures and scenarios on simulation mannequins, virtual environments, or other specialized equipment without putting the health of real patients at risk. This allows students and junior professionals to gain confidence in a variety of procedures and scenarios before they work on real patients. This experience helps improve the quality of care and ensure patient safety. Purpose of this study is to analyze the results of education for medical students using the introduction of simulation technologies at the University in Uzbekistan Republic. The article contains information about the effectiveness of simulation technologies in the field of medical education and the results of a study conducted among 84 medical students. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of simulation technologies and show the importance of introducing simulation methods for training future doctors.


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