
  • Mavlyanov Umid Nasriddinovich


Sufism, studies, Khodjagon-nakshabdia, theology, dogma, Islam, ontology


This article focuses on fundamental ontological and philo­sophical views of the representative of the Central Asian Renaissance Ali Safi, who in their writings have found a “consensus” between the official theology of Sunni Islam and the philosophical teachings of the “Greek Sci­ences» and their Eastern representatives. The fundamental features of the philosophical outlook of the scientist are given: true commitment to Sunnism, objective idealism. In addition, the author seeks to show Ali Safi as a tolerant representative of his society. The author found out that the entire medieval concept of Islamic phi­losophy, as well as the objective monism of Sufism based on idealism, was based on Ali Safi’s worldviews. It is established that the scientist in his anal­yses was not limited to the definitions and conclusions of Sufis and philoso­phers, but provided his own conclusion in relation to being, cited materials from ancient oriental works, expressing skepticism towards them.


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