Epos, worldview, philosophical doctrine, origins, ideological beginning, philosophical worldviewAbstract
This article analyzes the theoretical and ideological origins of Firdausi's philosophical outlook. What socio-political event influenced the writing of the epic "Shahnameh". The same goes for the analysis of the formation of Firdausi's worldview, which philosophical teachings gave impetus to the formation of his own philosophy. What is the main philosophical idea of the epic “Shahnameh” About “Shahnameh” by Abul-Kasim Firdowsi - this literary masterpiece of all ages and generations, in addition to abundant information and various sources, many articles and brochures have been written in different languages, if all of them were collected in one place , the library would be created. . Even the verses and fragments of the teachings of this great work have been collected and published many times. Takhlisi "Shahnameh" is another well-known attempt. Its founder was Masood Saadi Salman, a famous poet of the sixth century. At the same time, all these moral issues in Firdousi's "Shahnameh" were not subjected to a deep and comprehensive consideration, and the significance of this work from this point of view was not clarified. Therefore, the works of the Tajik literary critic Ustad Mirzo Mullahmad, who specializes in the study of this important issue, are a worthy and noteworthy undertaking. In this valuable work, Professor Mirza Mulla Ahmad paid more attention to the moral message of the great Ferdowsi and tried to explore the praise of good qualities and criticism of bad qualities from the actions and words of the heroes of Shahnameh Ferdowsi and the humanitarian thoughts of this great poet. Because the researchers of "Shahnameh" more appreciated the epic, heroic, mythological and historical sides of this masterpiece and paid less attention to its moral and educational aspects. In addition to his own writings, Master Mirza Mullahmad trained several students who wrote unique and impressive works on matters of royal history.
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