
  • Sufiev Abdukhalim Abdulazizovich


property, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial personality, legal culture, social philosophy, social sphere, legalization, norm, legislation, adoration, liberal, democracy, market relations


In the process of building a law-democratic state based on market relations and restoration of the foundations of civil society in our country, the formation of the legal culture of an entrepreneurial person plays an important role. After all, the relationship of an individual to members of society and vice versa to each individual of society is governed by the internal object laws of the existing social legal system. At present, there are also object and subjective factors and reasons that do not fall within the scope of the law, but have their effect on the activities of an entrepreneurial person, without taking them into account, many socio-economic problems that accumulate in society can not be eliminated. From this point of view, the philosophical-cultural research of the peculiarities of the formation of the legal culture of an entrepreneurial person today is one of the topical issues. The moral education and moral foundations of the legal culture of an entrepreneur are of great importance for the prosperity of our society through research, socio-philosophical analysis of the existing problems in the social, economic, cultural and legal spheres that arise in its implementation. We can see the members of our society in the adoption of the strategy of actions for 2017-2021 on the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is one of the main goals of our new development: social well-being, increasing their legal culture. The announcement in this regard as "2018 is the year of active support for entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies" indicates that large - scale democratic reforms are being carried out in our country to increase the entrepreneurial culture. In this article, the essence of the legal culture of an entrepreneur in a new stage of development of our society, its features, the scientific and philosophical aspects of the development are thoroughly analyzed. The principles of development, strengthening the social, cultural, economic and legal foundations of increasing the legal culture of an entrepreneur person, their position in the development of our society have been studied from a socio-philosophical point of view.


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