
  • Shermukhamedova Nigina Arslonovna
  • Tyukmaeva Aida Maratovna


sustainable development, poverty, education, developing countries, dualism, mythology, myths


Any world picture whether it is a combination of mythological representations, philosophically reasoned views or scientifically proven facts, in its essence, is a system of views on the origin and structure of the universe, on the purpose and meaning of human life. For the main component of the world picture is the search for the answer to the questions: by whom and how the world is created, what driving forces set it in motion, what is the place of a person in the universe, what is the relationship between life and death, etc. Thus, in the picture of the world, space and time are represented as finite or infinite, objects that fill the world space and differ in living and non-living are distinguished. These objects are in various relationships with each other and make up an integrated system.


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