
  • Khadjimetov Bekhzod Bakhadirovich


Central Asia, Herat, Samarkand, Bukhara, miniature, miniature painting, Timurids, Kamaliddin Behzad, portrait genre, everyday genre


this article is devoted to the political, social and artistic processes that affect the miniature centers of Central Asia, and their development. In the Middle Ages, the formation of the school of miniature, the formation of kitabkhane in Girat, Samarkand, Bukhara and Shakhrukhia, the centers of miniature art, the artists who worked at that time, were studied. In the 15th century, Kamaliddin Behzad, one of the greatest exponents of the Miniature School in Girat, analyzed his creative genius, his work, his innovations introduced into the art of miniature. The importance of the work of Kamoliddin Behzad, the compositional solution, the genre and the elegance of the portrait had a great influence on the work of the next generation of miniaturists. The words of his contemporaries and great personalities who lived in later periods are given about the artist. The works of Kamoliddin Behzad, created in miniature in the genres of everyday life and portraiture, were analyzed by studying his unique talent on the basis of reproductions and enlarged sketches of his works entitled "Dancing Dervishes" and "Portrait of an Artist". Today's significance of studying the fundamental foundations of miniature art in shaping the spiritual worldview of young people is reflected in the study of the rich creative heritage of the great painter.


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