
  • Kholikov Yunus Artikovich


humanity, development, science, enlightenment, self-awareness, kindness, honor, andisha, healthy social environment, behavior, mood, spirituality, ideology, morality, aesthetics, religion, gratitude, courage, mapness, sabp satisfaction, forgiveness, attitude, humaneness, mehp love, friendship, bipdam, harmony.


The most difficult principle of interethnic tolerance is implemented in the field of ethnic relations. The difficulty in implementing this principle is related to the different understanding of tolerance, which is explained by the peculiarities of cultural traditions and the peculiarities of historically formed consciousness and human behavior. However, in the modern world, in order to implement the principle of interethnic tolerance in relations between ethnic groups and nations, there are necessary conditions for the recognition of the community of human origin and the formation of humanity as a whole with developed multinational ties. Adherence to the principle of interethnic tolerance will inevitably lead to a consistent combination of international processes with national stratification processes. Tolerance in national-ethnic relations implies the need to recognize the dual ethnic identity inherent in the identity of a multi-ethnic society. This must be recognized as a legal condition of the person. In this case, the existing national-cultural differences will not be spontaneous and institutionalized, and people will stop hindering each other. Tolerance of another person, nation or culture that differs in its values ​​and way of life is one of the conditions of peace and harmony in the modern world. The article discusses the culture of tolerance as a culture of ethnic (interethnic) tolerance; a culture of racial tolerance; a culture of political tolerance; a culture of religious tolerance; culture of gender tolerance; youth tolerance culture; a culture of organizational or physiological tolerance; a culture of geographical tolerance; culture of social (inter-class) tolerance; a culture of tolerance for education; the division into marginal tolerance culture groups has been philosophically interpreted.


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