
  • Komilov Ro‘zi Rabiyevich


marriage, morality, evolution, family, catharsis, ritual, custom, purification, progropeic, apotropeic, iyjobva acceptance, dowry, sovchi, imperative, demonological, difenition.


Due to the study of the genesis of marriage ceremonies, its evolution and ethnic diversity in world science, ethnocultural, ethnographic, ethnoesthetic research directions have developed. The transformation of the values ​​of marriage ceremonies requires a philosophical reflection of its moral, aesthetic essence. Although the evolutionary nature of marriage has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and aesthetic values ​​of the peoples of the world, in most countries of the world the potential of this institution is not fully used to find solutions to global problems of human solidarity, individual dignity, equality and tolerance. Marriage ceremonies have as long a history as human history. Hence, this value has been formed and refined for thousands of years. Experts have chosen this topic as the object or subject of analysis and studied it from different scientific perspectives. In this article, we first try to make a comparative analysis of the concept of marriage, the Uzbek national marriage ceremony, its relationship with other related concepts, to reveal the connections and differences between them. At the same time, choosing the development of Uzbek national marriage ceremonies as a moral object, we try to shed light on its social features and the functions and evolution of Uzbek weddings.


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