Instructions for Authors
The article should clearly indicate the relevance, scientific significance, research results and conclusions. Any borrowing of materials from other sources should be properly referenced, and the name of the source to which the author refers should be indicated in the list of references.
The article should be written in a scientific style. The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, and this is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. In the scientific style, there should be no colloquial vocabulary that is not inherent in evaluativeness. Evaluation in scientific works is used to clarify the author's thoughts and has a rational character. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and consistency of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation.
A scientific publication is one of the main results of a researcher's activity. The material submitted for publication must be original, not previously published in other print media. The article should be written using predominantly modern scientific literature, and contain novelty. The main purpose of the publication is to make the author's work available to other researchers. By means of publication, the author designates his priority in the chosen field of research.
In the introductory part, it is necessary to indicate the relevance and expediency of developing a scientific problem or task. In the main part of the article, by analyzing and synthesizing information, it is required to reveal the problems under study and ways to solve them. You also need to justify the possible results and their reliability. The article should analyze, compare and identify the most important and promising directions for the development of science (practice), its individual types of activities, phenomena, events, etc.
A scientific article should be problematic in nature, demonstrate different views of scientists on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge, contain conclusions, generalizations, summary data. In the final part, the author needs to summarize, formulate conclusions, recommendations, and indicate possible directions for further research.