anthracycline, cardiotoxicity, acute lymphoblastic leukemiaAbstract
Purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for anthracycline-induced early cardiotoxicity in ALL. This retrospective study was conducted by observing patients diagnosed with ALL between 2023-2024 in the hematology department of Shifobakhsh State Medical Centre of RT. Fifty patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were treated with chemotherapy according to the international ALL 2017 treatment protocol were studied. Echocardiography was performed by cardiologists and comparisons were made before and at any time after anthracycline therapy. Early cardiotoxicity was defined as a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of more than 10% with a final LVEF < 53% during the first year of anthracyclines. Early anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity was observed in 5 of 50 patients. The median cumulative anthracycline dose was 143.69±72.68 mg/m2. Thirty-three patients had decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Factors associated with early cardiomyopathy were age ≥40 years, high risk group and cumulative dose ≥120 mg/m2. Age ≥40 years, high-risk group and cumulative dose ≥120 mg/m2 are significant risk factors for early cardiomyopathy in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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