
  • Тojibaev Bakhromjon Turabayevich

Ключевые слова:

Deviant behavior, deviantness, deviation from the norm, crime, anomie, sociological context


In this paper, external environmental factors are considered in context as the cause of deviations in human behavior. It also emphasizes the views of thinkers and the author’s own position on deviant behavior.  

In our view, it is more appropriate to use the term deviant in the interpretation of concepts involving the issue of deviation than the concept of deviant behavior. Because deviation in itself means activity and movement, deviant behavior reflects an innate-behavioral trait. In these processes, the concept of deviation from a sociological point of view does not focus on the dependence of deviation on the heredity and character of the individual, but focuses on the connection of the main context with the social environment. In our view, deviation can be described as an act, activity, or lifestyle of non-compliance with a system of norms accepted by the majority in a social group or society. This definition is enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Crime Prevention" as one of the basic concepts, which corresponds to the assessment of a person's lifestyle, actions or inactions as antisocial behavior in violation of socially accepted norms and rules of conduct.

Библиографические ссылки

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