
  • Makhmudova Aziza Nugmanovna
  • Afanasyeva Olesya Gennadievna
  • Kamariddinzoda Aminabonu Kamariddinovna


worldview, ecological values, humanism, ecologization of higher education, ecological-oriented position


Complex global environmental problems have been identified in modern society. These problems continue to deepen. The reasons are seen in the aggressive transformation of nature, the unreasonable use of its resources, the destruction of the interconnections of ecosystems, alienation
from nature, the selfish and immoral attitude of people to each other, living organisms. Life as the most valuable phenomenon that requires reverence and respect, regardless of the form of existence, becomes an object of destruction. Therefore, the value of life, its existence and survival becomes the focus of special attention. In this article, the authors consider the educational aspect of the formation of environmentally significant values and worldview. The issue of values is becoming particularly relevant in connection with the deterioration of the environmental situation in the "man –
environment" system. It should be noted that the training of specialists with a broad understanding and awareness of the importance of universal values and worldview is the main task of the Institute of Medical Education. Ecological values express the aspect of the humanistic ideal, which is the basis
of the model of education of medical workers, since a person is not only a carrier of knowledge and skills, but also a carrier of humanistic ideals and principles. The professional activity of medical workers is aimed at preserving the health of citizens, which is the highest value. Therefore, valueoriented education is an important prerequisite for the formation of a personality that is able to measure its actions and deeds with environmental imperatives. The processes of forming an ecological worldview and values begin from birth, and throughout life its formation and development
goes on. All this reflects an important property of the ecological worldview in the educational work of its dynamics.


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