
  • Makhmudova Aziza Nugmanovna


Bioethics, life, ethics, behavior, law, Doctor


Trends in the development of Science and technology in the XX century led to the emergence of new technologies. Among them, biomedical technologies occupy a special place, which have created unprecedented opportunities for intervention in human nature. They provided effective management tools that were never seen before, allowing not only to correct, but also to reconstruct human nature. The unpredictability of the consequences of such intervention is the problem of expanding the possibilities of managing human development. In this regard, the relevance of this article and research is determined by the loss of the previous "natural" concept of a person, "blurring" his image and turning his body into a material for Biomedical manipulation. All this became the focus  of bioethics, which was formed at the beginning of the 70s of the XX century in order to protect the rights of patients and subjects. As a new branch of interdisciplinary knowledge, it is increasingly involved in the field of philosophical knowledge.


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