
  • Dzhuraeva Dilafruz Zhamurodovna


nature, artistic and philosophical views, humanism, culture of knowledge, beauty of nature, aesthetics, ecology, archeology, ethnography, art, man


The article is devoted to the work of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur "Baburname". In this work Babur gives detailed information about his origin, about wars, about the great empire he founded in India. Although there are many names of people and places in the work of "Boburnoma", but they are considered interesting and easy to read. Being a statesman, Babur, as a naturalist and a scientist-tourist, so carefully observed and covered phenomena-processes that many of them fully correspond to the conclusions of modern science. The work also contains sufficient information about the nature, appearance, benefits and damage of rivers, mountains, deserts, villages, cities, field steppes, through which Babur wandered.

Babur's legacy is a reality that leads our history into the future. That is probably why the work of this thinker is still deeply studied by Orientalists.A clear proof of this is the fact that in 1980 UNESCO announced a competition for a new translation into French.


¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Зоҳидий А. Бобур фалсафий дунёқараши (асосий аспектлари ва Марказий Осиё, Шимолий Ҳиндистон ижтимоий-фалсафий фикри тараққиётига кўрсатган таъсири). Тошкент. Adabiyot uchqunlari. 2016, 295 бет.

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Samadov A.R. Problems of Forming and Developing Person's Aesthetic Ideal //International Journal on Integrated Education. – Т. 2. – №. 6. – С. 132-137.

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