religion, religious values, Islam, Christianity, spiritual values, spiritual crisis, interconfessional relations, consolidation of society, religious identity, consciousness transformationAbstract
In the Kazakhstan society there are processes of social transformations and modernizations. These processes are an area of constantly growing interest from socio-humanitarian sciences because special attention is paid to the phenomena occurring in different spheres of public life. As transformation affects many spheres, it promotes change of situation in many of them, influencing spiritual and social life, system of values. In this regard scientific and practical interest gets a research of religious values as base of formation of worldoutlooks and spiritual interests of a certain environment, and also plays a major role in the process of transformation of modern Kazakhstan society.
As well as around the world, in Kazakhstan there are changes in religious consciousness, transformation of value orientations of individuals under the influence of globalization processes is traced. These changes - result of growth of secularisation and development of the idea of secularity in society. Within framework of globalization processes there is a consciousness transformation on which it is possible to reveal evolution of religious consciousness.
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