
  • Saidova Kamola Uskanbaevna


love, hate, family, person, woman, man, feeling, conflict, value, society


The author of the article has made an attempt to analyze the meanings of "love" and "hate" as
two extremes of family life. It is shown that the relevance of love and hate, in the context of human
philosophy, is the integrity of social life. The study was based on a theoretical and methodological analysis of works that are entirely devoted to the problem of family relations, with an emphasis on interpersonal issues. The purpose of the study is due to the position of considering human nature as a sensible subject, in the context of preventing domestic violence. Love and hate, are the two extremes of family relations, express the dialectic of family relations. At the same time, attention is drawn to the prevention of the consequences of hatred in family relationships, which are reflected in the family environment as a whole. The presence of love not only between spouses, but also between parents and children is an important condition for intrapersonal and interpersonal harmony.


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