
  • Pulatov Jakhongir Nazirovich


human dignity, sustainable development, prosperity, development strategy, human capital, free civil society, e-government


it is theoretically substantiated that in the conditions of sustainable development of society, civil society institutions represent a certain social system that guarantees complete socio-economic and political freedom for every citizen of the country and the establishment of citizens' control over state power in society, the gradual transition of a number of state functions to non-profit organizations, public associations and local self-government bodies. In particular, the fact that the human factor is the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of society, the level of human development, including other aspects, are closely related to the scale and degree of his participation in solving the problems of society, a person is not only an object of development, but also a subject, is not only a goal of social development, but also the driving force of such development, the means of growth and its decisive factor. The proposals and recommendations are listed regarding the implementation of the concept "from the strategy of action to the strategy of development" as a guarantee of the success of reforms in society.


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