
  • Aleksandr S. GONASHVILI


value, value orientations, subjectivism, objectivism, personal values, social values, neo-Kantianism


In this paper, the author conducts a sociological analysis of the category of "values" The author, relying on domestic and foreign researchers, determines the definition of the concept of “value” in sociology. Studying the category of “value” in sociology, the author came to the conclusion that in sociology there are two main approaches to the study of values, and also that values are a product of social activity and are associated with the functioning of a special kind of social mechanisms for regulating human relationships and actions by legitimizing preferences in social space. The state of the modern world is such that the value of a person is not the original given, but the acquired property. The way of acquisition of values by people is historically determined way of its activity. As a result, one of the main problems of modern society is that when solving moral issues it is necessary to include in their resolution the whole complex of human existence and activity. Therefore, in justifying an act or decision, it must be seen in the context of the principles and norms in which the individual arrives. Without understanding and awareness of the way of life of the society in which the individual arrives, it is difficult to give a clear moral or any other characteristic of his behavior. In his work, the author will proceed from the understanding of the dialectics of objective and subjective values, namely adhering to the idea of relational approach. If we talk about the direct relational sociological approach, we can say that it proceeds from the fact that the practices of social relations constitute a kind of aggregate whole society, and only from the knowledge of this system connection can be derived any specific relationship of social life of people and their values.


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