
  • Fozilova Aziza Inoyatillaevna


migration, emigration, colonization, interstate relations, work experience, territorial movements, family, economic and political stability, foreign countries.


In today's globalization process, the issue of migration is becoming one of the urgent tasks to ensure sustainable development worldwide. At present, the growth of migration processes has a different impact on socio-economic, political and legal, as well as the welfare and sustainable development of the population. The process of migration, especially labor migration, which is a major part of the world, has a tendency to increase and decrease at certain times, and has a positive, negative, and political impact on the social life of a particular region, country, region and society. The article points out that migration is a natural process and that all developing countries have gone through such a stage. It can be seen from the published periods that where labor migration is properly organized, employment, family income, and skilled workers increase. This article analyzes the views of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the creation of decent conditions and security for citizens working abroad, legal, interstate relations.


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