
  • Boltaev Farrukh Farhodovich


language, thinking, culture, globalization, mutual enrichment of cultures, positive and negative phenomena of globalization, semantics, intercultural communication


This article is devoted to the problem of theoretical and methodological aspects of the philosophical understanding of the interaction and mutual influence of language, thinking and culture in the context of modern globalization processes, which are gaining momentum, which, on the one hand, has a positive value, and on the other hand, leads to the erosion of national borders, culture and identity peoples of the world. Today, with the emergence of natural and man-made disasters, new to the world history of wars, build-up of nuclear potential, there is a threat to life itself. A new wave of globalization has invaded world culture and civilization, giving rise to both positive and negative phenomena. Thus, the positive aspects of globalization include the openness of territorial borders, mutual enrichment and transmission of cultures, joint projects, information exchange, and free trade. The elimination of spatial and geographical isolation is largely due to the development of information and communication technologies. The linguistic paradigm turn in the humanities of our time has identified the interaction of language, thinking and culture as one of the central problems. The beginning of the third millennium was marked by even more intense interest in this problem, which is objectively connected with such problems of globalization as the revival of ethnic cultures, cultural interaction and intercultural communication, and the plurality of language pictures of the world.


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