
  • Akhrorova Madina Rakhmatovna


gender equality, black, oppressed, chiston, bistu se adiba, devon, enlightener, avom, zahid, fusn, classic, benavo


Modern sociology is consistently and effectively developing the concept of gender as one of the important foundations for the analysis of sociality and its forms. “Gender is a set of characteristics that are not defined by nature, but are endowed by social phenomena. Moreover, gender is only gender, which is what constitutes gender as a result of its socialization. Gender does not belong to man, but man belongs to sex, and he has power and language. Gender is present, formed, and regenerated in all social processes that affect women and men. During the years of independence, Uzbekistan has done a lot to achieve gender equality. Significant progress has been made in institutional development since the establishment of the Women's Committee in 1991 under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of social protection of the family, motherhood and childhood. The Women's Committee has an improved system that is competent in all regions and on all fronts. This raises the question of the level of women's equality in the history of our country, especially during the khanate. The article addresses this issue with the example of the works of classical poets Makhzuna, Nodira, Uvaysi, Anbar Otin and Dilshodi Barno. Analyzing the scientific heritage of our classic poets and the poems they created, we will clarify the essence of the issue.


I.,,Xotin-qizlar va erkaklar uchun teng huquq hamda imkoniyatlar kafolatlari to'g'risidagi"qonun hujjatlari, ,,

II.,,Xotin-qizlar va erkaklar uchun teng huquq hamda imkoniyatlarni ta'minlash kafolatlari" to`g`risida president farmoni

A.Qayumov.Qo`qon adabiy muhiti, Toshkent, O`zSSR FA nashriyoti, 1961-yil, 313-bet.

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Adabiy meros O`zbek adabiyoti tarixidan tadqiqot va materiallar: ilmiy adsarlar to`plami S/ 49/ . T 1989 - 79s 891- 709 A- 281

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T.Usmon. Bistu se adiba, Dushanbe, Nashriyoti davlati Tojikiston,1957

Nodira Devon O`zbek va fors tillaridagi sherlar T. O`z FA nashriyoti (1963 619-bet) 894.3 H-730

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