
  • Ashurova Khurshida Sagdullayevna


jadidism, social, political ideas, position, homeland, religion, independence, values, worldview, society, modern youth, locality, development, prosperity, history, today, tradition, nation, heritage, culture, meaning, history, morality, education, upbringing


This article describes the spiritual heritage of Mahmudhoja Behbudi, the father of the Turkestan Jadids, and his attitude to the essence of social issues. In particular, who is Behbudi, what is the role and significance of the Samarkand Jadids in the spiritual development of youth from today's point of view, which is considered unique. Philosophical assessment of the social life of Turkestan, its views on the past and present, its position on the boundaries of time. Behbudi's goal was to reveal the true meaning of the conclusion that the solution to the real problems of society lies in the path of education and upbringing. As a skillful politician of the era, Behbudi drew attention to the fact that the essence of the state can be reduced to its history, national values, spirituality, culture, social issues, historical figures and intellectuals of his time. The role and significance of the unity of religion and politics in society, as well as their views on the relevance of their content are discussed.


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