


education, science, man, knowledge, innovation


The connection between science and education is a fundamental condition for the innovative development of society. Innovative processes require deep, meaningful understanding from the point of view of worldview and methodological approaches. Humanity has reached a sufficiently high level of intellectual development, but still does not have a common understanding of the tasks and goals of education. A huge methodological experience has been accumulated, but the problems remain, even multiply in connection with the problems of the modern world. Especially this year, due to the forced transition to distance education associated with the worldwide spread of coronavirus infection, the education sector has experienced a colossal crisis.

The transformation of the sphere of education should consist in the formation of a person as a whole, identification of the inner world of a person, an integrated personality. The purpose of education is to develop creative activity, where the learning individual could feel himself as an active subject.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the innovative type of thinking and behavior of an individual in the context of the scientific, technical and information revolution. It is concluded that, as a result of modern scientific and technological development in the economy, the decisive role is played not by material factors, but by knowledge, information, and an innovative type of thinking. Today, we can state with confidence that the role of the knowledge economy, the importance of sound knowledge management has increased. The role of humanitarian knowledge should also be noted. Innovative activity is possible with institutions that ensure the materialization of knowledge in new technologies, where a socio-economic and socio-cultural environment is created. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the priority areas of clustering of the educational process are highlighted based on the characteristics of the country's economic and regional development.


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