Systematic modernization of social and spiritual values in a democratic society


  • Nabiev Mansur Jamkhur ugli


democratic society, social and spiritual values, material values, systemic relationship of values, freedom of thought, the impact of values on people's lives, modernization of values


Democratic society is one of the most important and unique societies in human life. A democratic society is characterized by a democratic state with the rule of law and civil society. A democratic society differs from other spheres of society in that it is based on justice, law and the rule of law in the life of the state and society. In a democratic society, in an interconnected system of social and spiritual values that are important in people's lives, the factors influencing the development process are studied in detail. When analyzing the development of social and spiritual values in a democratic society, the dialectical method, methods of scientific generalization and theoretical modeling were used. The study compares the forms of structural and functional analysis based on different theories, concepts, approaches, positions, directions.


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