varicocele, diagnosis, treatment, Ivanissevich operation, Palomo operation, Marmar operation, antegrade endovascular sclerotherapy, complicationAbstract
The study included the results of treatment of 376 patients with left-sided varicocele admitted to the surgical department of the Tashkent City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Ibn Sino. Depending on the method of surgical intervention, 2 groups of patients were identified. In 2009-2014 181 patients underwent conventional surgical interventions (Ivanissevich or Palomo operations), which made up the comparison group. From 2015 to 2022 195 patients underwent subinguinal selective surgeries (antegrade endovascular sclerotherapy of the left testicular vein (LTV) and Marmar surgery), which were included in the main group. So, compared to 2009-2014. the frequency of postoperative complications decreased from 12.7 to 2.6%, i.e. almost 5 times in the main group. Antegrade angiosclerotherapy of PTV is more easily tolerated by patients compared to traditional operations, and this operation is cost-effective, reduces the length of hospital stay compared to other surgical interventions.
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