
  • SHAMRATOV Shokir Zokirovich
  • AKHMEDOV Yusuf Makhmudovich
  • YUSUPOV Anvar Sabirovich
  • SAIDOV Maksud Arifovich


pediatric cardiac surgery; cardioplegia; intraoperative intracellular induction; septal heart defects; cardiac resuscitation.


Protecting the myocardium during surgery is one of the main problems in cardiovascular surgery. In surgery, it is preferable to operate on an immobilized and bloodless myocardium, at the same time, it is necessary that the myocardium is well protected and able to restore its activity. These conditions are implemented through modern methods of cardioplegia. In the general structure of cardiosurgical operations, operations performed with artificial blood circulation take a leading place. Despite the very rapid development of endovascular methods for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, operations with artificial blood circulation in our country will remain relevant for a long time due to the great need in the treatment of this group of patients, especially patients with cardiovascular diseases


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