
  • SATTAROV Inayat Saparbayevich
  • MATMUROTOV Kuvondik Jumaniyozovich
  • YAKUBOV Ilyosbek Yuldashevich
  • RAKHIMOV Dadakhon Djalolovich


diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, subintimal balloon angioplasty.


The aim of the study was to improve the results of endovascular revascularization surgical interventions for critical ischemia in patients with diabetic foot syndrome.

Materials and research methods. 38 patients with ischemic and neuroischemic forms were under observation. All were with type 2 diabetes and were over 60 years of age. Diabetic foot syndrome complicated by purulent-necrotic process. 2 groups were distinguished: the first control group (20 people) received traditional treatment and the second group (18 people) who underwent balloon angioplasty.

Research outcomes. Based on clinical indicators, both groups were equal, and both groups received medical treatment in an equal amount, and only in the main group, treatment was supplemented with subintimal balloon angioplasty of the arteries of the lower extremities. When analyzing the immediate and long-term results of both groups, a more favorable course was found in patients of the second group, which was characterized by faster wound cleansing, the appearance of granulations and epithelialization, and a reduction in the duration of inpatient treatment. The obtained results allow us to note a more favorable course of DFS when using subintimal balloon angioplasty.

Conclusions. Timely, correctly chosen surgical tactics is the key to favorable outcomes. In the future, in surgical practice, attention should be paid to preventive operations on peripheral arteries and to develop clinical aspects of predicting the development of vascular complications in patients with diabetic foot syndrome.


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