
  • SHAMURADOV Ilxom Ismailоvich
  • DJURAEV Mirjalol Dehkanovich


esophageal cancer, complication, fistula, stenting, stent, gastrostomy, endoscope, morphological variants.


The results of treatment of 9 patients with cancer of the middle and lower third of the esophagus in stages III-IV (T3 - 4bN2M0-1) with complicated esophageal-tracheal and esophageal-bronchial fistula at the time of treatment were analyzed.Most patients were found not resectable, due to the prevalence of the tumor process. The study of morphological variants of the tumor showed: that 58.7% (28) of the patients had adenocarcinoma and 41.3% (20) had squamous cell carcinoma.

With the introduction of endoscopic methods of treatment into clinical practice, the appearance of self-expanding esophageal stents for the elimination of fistulas and dysphagia became the operations of choice. All patients underwent recanalization and self-expanding stents of the company (FLEXTENT) were installed.

 According to our study, out of 9 patients, men made up 6 (66.6%), and women – 3 (33.4%), the average age was 65-70 years.

The study of the location of the tumor process on the esophagus showed that more than half of the cancer process is localized in the middle and lower.


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