COVID-19, pyelonephritis, prothienuria, microhematuria, lycocyturiaAbstract
Objective: to study and treat the clinical and laboratory features of pyelonephritis in children infected with COVID-19.
Materials and methods of examination: Group I - children with pyelonephritis infected with COVID-19 - 50 children. Group II - the comparison group consists of children with pyelonephritis, not infected with COVID-19 - 50 children.
Results. Urinary syndrome was the leading clinical symptom complex. Laboratory examination revealed massive leukocytosis, bacteriuria, leukocytosis with a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula, accelerated ESR and an increase in the concentration of C-reactive protein in all children of the first group. Conclusion: Our clinical observation shows that COVID-19, even in a mild form, causes an exacerbation of pyelonephritis in children, while at the same time it has been established that chronic pyelonephritis often recurs. In children with pyelonephritis on the background of COVID-19, the introduction of vitamin A into the standard treatment regimen 2, 3 days earlier allows normalizing the parameters of membranolysis and cytolysis in the pelvicalyceal system and renal parenchyma, as well as the electron transport function of the kidneys.
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