
  • RAKHIMOV Nodir Makhammatkulovich
  • KHUDAYBERDIYEVA Shohista Amirkul kizi
  • SHAKHANOVA Shakhnoza Shavkatovna
  • ORIPOVA Mehriniso Rakhmonovna


nutritional deficiency in cervical cancer, parenteral nutrition, quality of life


The frequency of nutritional deficiencies (ND) among cervical cancer reaches 40-80%. HH is associated with a decrease in overall survival, deterioration in immediate and long-term results of treatment, deterioration in the tolerability of the therapy, and a decrease in the quality of life. Timely diagnosis of NN and the appointment of nutritional therapy is one of the important components of accompanying therapy at all stages of antitumor treatment. The article presents modern methods for assessing the nutritional status and the principles of nutritional support for cervical cancer, including the use of parenteral nutrition as the most accessible method.

Material and methods. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of additional parenteral methods of nutritional support for cervical cancer patients, a search and analysis of relevant data was carried out in the scientific databases PubMed and Medline.

Results. Nutritional support has a positive effect on cervical cancer treatment outcomes and reduces the incidence of complications by optimizing the balance between energy expenditure and parenteral nutrition.

Conclusion. A review of the literature confirms that nutritional support and correction of parenteral nutrition has a direct impact on quality of life and should be integrated into cervical cancer treatment standards. In addition, the monitoring and correction of nutritional status should become an integral part of assessing the level of quality of life and meet the needs and expectations of the patient.


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