
  • TUICHIEV Laziz Nadirovich
  • TAJIEVA Nigora Ubaydullaevna
  • YARMUKHAMEDOVA Nargiza Anvarovna
  • SAMIBAYEVA Umida Khurshidovna
  • IMAMOVA Ilmira Abdullaevna


COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 virus, etiology, epidemiology


The purpose of the study: Study in detail the etiological and epidemiological aspects of COVID- 19, which will make it possible to understand the temporal transformation of this infectious disease. This will allow, based on the literature review data, to expand and correct the view of epidemiologists and practicing physicians on this infection.

  1. The study of the etiological and epidemiological properties of COVID-19 using molecular genetic research methods continues to indicate the discovery of new ways of interactions of coronaviruses with the human body, this will improve new approaches to the prevention of this
  2. The transformation of coronavirus infection has been established: registration of mild cases until 2002, registration of SARS-Cov in 2002, registration of MERS-Cov in 2012, which caused epidemics with the development of severe forms of infection and nosocomial outbreaks, in 2019 SARS-CoV-2 which caused a severe acute respiratory syndrome with high mortality. At the present stage, there is a gradual decrease in the aggression of the virus.
  3. The main epidemiological and clinical criteria necessary for diagnosing COVID-19 in the initial period of a pandemic have been
  4. The main method of preventing severe forms of COVID-19 is vaccine prevention with guaranteed safety before widespread


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