
  • MAVLYANOV Farhod Shavkatovich
  • MAVLYANOV Shavkat Khodzhamkulovich
  • TURSUNOV Sanjar Esankulovich


intestinal obstruction, newborns, diagnosis, treatment


In order to study clinical and statistical data, a prospective study of 63 infants with congenital intestinal obstruction was carried out. Depending on the types of intestinal obstruction, the children were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 - 30 newborns with high intestinal obstruction and group 2 - 33 children with low. Analysis of the results of the study made it possible to identify the nature of the clinical and statistical features of congenital intestinal obstruction in children who were hospitalized. Determining the main points of application in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital intestinal obstruction can contribute not only to improving treatment outcomes and preventing the development of complications in the postoperative period, but also to the further development of neonatology and neonatal surgery.


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