
  • ATAKULOV Jamshed Ostonakulovich
  • YUSUPOV Shukhrat Abdurasulovich
  • SHAMSIEV Jamshid Azamatovich
  • SHAKHRIEV Abdikadir Kamalbayevich


The article analyzes the complications of surgical treatment of 216 primary patients with Hirschsprung's disease operated on by the Soave - Lenyushkin method, and the treatment of 54 patients admitted with various complications and functional disorders after operations performed in other medical institutions for Hirschsprung's disease, the main operational and technical errors depending on the method of radical surgery (Svenson - Hiatt, Duhamel, Soave, Rebein) [3,4,8]. These operational and technical errors are divided into three groups: incorrect determination of the level of intestinal resection, defects of relegation, defects in the creation of an anastomosis.


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