
  • ABDUAZIZOVA Nargiza Khakimzhanovna
  • MUKHAMMADIYEVA Sevara Murodullaevna
  • PULATOV Khabibulla Khairullaevich
  • SHARAPOV Zafar Abdunaemovich
  • ZHAKSYMURATOVA Khurliman Tatlymuratovna


rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory system, cytokines, treatment


This article is devoted to the study of immunological disorders of the respiratory system in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The results of the study showed that immunological changes in the defeat of the respiratory system in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are more pronounced revealed by the seropositive course of the disease. This shows that the disease is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including ТNF-α and IL-6 causing destruction of the joints and damage to the respiratory system.


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