
  • ORIPOV Firdavs Sur’atovich
  • TOGAEVA Gulnora Siddiqovna


diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, amputations, neuropathy, neuroischemic form, disarticulation


Objective: The purpose of the study: to assess the prevalence of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus among the adult population in the Samarkand region for January-June 2021.

Methods and material. The object of the study is the database of the RSNPMCESF of Samarkand. The data on the prevalence of DFS were analyzed, taking into account the age and gender of patients, depending on the type of DM, based on official statistical reporting forms No. 13 compiled according to the regional register of diabetic foot syndrome 2021.

Results: The most common complications in diabetic patients are neuropathy, nephropathy and retinopathy. This suggests that the nervous system and organs of vision are most sensitive to the negative effects of diabetes. In 2021 (within 6 months), 2445 patients with type 2 diabetes were registered, 868 (35.5%) of which were women. Distal neuropathy was determined in 819 (33.5%) patients, 336 (41.02%) of them were women, the neuroischemic form was 417 (17.05%) patients, 153 (36.69%) of whom were women.

Conclusions: The data of our study revealed that there are significant gender differences in the prevalence of DFS in type 2 DM. SDS only in type 2 SDS was more common in men by 1.8 times than in women.


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