
  • BOYKUZIEV Hayitboy Khudoyberdievich
  • SHODIYAROVA Dilfuza Saydullayena


type of feed, liver of mammals, nervous system of liver


This article analyzes the scientific literature on the study of the nervous system of the liver of mammals with different types of food and describes the unexplored aspects of this problem. 10 rabbit livers representing herbivore mammals and 10 dog livers representing carnivore mammals were taken for study.

The results of the research revealed that the nervous system of the liver of mammals has specific morphofunctional properties depending on the type of food.

Purpose: to study the specific morphofunctional properties of the nervous system of the liver of mammals fed different types of food.

Task: 1. To determine the specific aspects of the nervous structures of the liver of wild mammals (rabbits).

  1. Determination of specific aspects of the nervous system of carnivorous mammals (dogs).

 Study object and methods: In order to fulfill the goals and tasks of our research, livers of 10 adult rabbits and 10 dogs were taken. Livers of animals were frozen (fixed) in 12% formalin. Sections with a thickness of 7 μm were taken from the paraffin blocks prepared from the obtained materials using a microtome. In order to study the nervous system, the obtained sections were stained by Bilshovsky-Gross and Karnovsky-Ruts methods and viewed under a microscope. To study the adrenergic nervous system V. N. Shvalev and N. I. It was determined by the method of Juchkova (1970) by processing unhardened sections in a 2% solution of glyoxylic acid. The received morphometric data were statistically processed, analyzed and compared. Based on the obtained data, a table was drawn up and conclusions were made.

Summary. In conclusion, it can be said that the nervous system of the liver of mammals has been found to have specific morphofunctional characteristics depending on the type of food in the course of evolution.


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