
  • AKHMEDOV Gayrat Keldibaevich
  • SADIKOV Rustam Abrorovich
  • GULAMOV Olimjon Mirzakhitovich
  • MARDONOV Jamshid Normurotovich
  • NARZULLAEV Shokhrukh Shukhrat ugli
  • TURSUNKULOV Jonibek Kakhramonovich


esophageal mucosa, IR diode laser, gastrotomy, perforation


Today, lasers have literally penetrated almost all areas of medicine. We will not be mistaken if we say that this direction, with its beneficial effects, whether it is therapeutic or surgical, is a direct reason for the treatment of various pathologies in this area.

This article presents the content of the experiments carried out by us in the educational center of experimental surgery at the State Institution “RSSPMCS named after acad. V. Vakhidov”. Experiments were carried out on white rats and the effect of infrared diode laser beams on their mucosa of the esophagus was studied.


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