
  • MATLUBOV Mansur Murotovich
  • NEMATULLOEV Tukhtasin Komiljonovich


pregnancy, obesity, respiratory system, spirometry, obesity in pregnant women


Objective: To assess the nature and significance of changes in parameters characterizing the functional state of external respiration during the perioperative period in parturient women with various degrees of obesity against the background of uncomplicated pregnancy.

Methods: The state of respiratory function and SpO2 were studied by us in 146 patients at the end of pregnancy (32-42 weeks), occurring against the background of various degrees of obesity (BMI from 25 to 65 kg/m2).

Results: patients showed a decrease in lung capacity, functional lung capacity and forced breathing volume in the first second, which is a marker for the timely diagnosis of restrictive lung pathology. A decrease in the Tiffno index, combined with a reduced volume of forced breathing in the first second, was found in 48% of pregnant women, which is an indicator of obstructive respiratory pathology.

Conclusions: with an increase in body weight, functional disorders of the respiratory system and gas exchange progress, reaching a maximum at a BMI of 35-40 kg/m2 or more. Therefore, the anesthetic management of surgical interventions in this category of pregnant women requires high-quality respiratory support, for the effective implementation of which a deep assessment of the preoperative state and respiratory function is necessary.


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