
  • RIZAEV Jasur Alimdzhanovich
  • MAKHMONOV Lutfulla Saidullaevich
  • GADAEV Abdugaffor Gadaevich
  • TURAKULOV Rustam Ismatullaevich


Helicobacter pylori, bad habits, iron deficiency anemia


Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate some external factors predisposing to the development of iron deficiency anemia associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Material and methods of the study: The study was conducted in 90 patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia with complaints of the gastrointestinal tract, which were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 60 patients who initially received antihelicobacter complex treatment (amoxiclav + clarithromycin + ezemeprozole), and then antianemic drugs (first by injection, and then in tablets for 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease). The control group consisted of 30 patients, 10 each with mild, moderate and severe anemia, who received only antianemic treatment.

In both groups of patients, a thorough history was taken to determine the relationship between some external factors (smoking-cigarettes, nose, alcohol, diet, public water supply and sewerage) with the detection of H. pylori.

Analysis of the results. In 20% of patients with mild iron deficiency anemia, they smoked cigarettes or nasvay. 57% of patients did not adhere to the daily diet, and the remaining 43% followed it. The number of patients without centralized water supply and sewerage was 70% and 76.7%, respectively.

In addition, 25% of the core group of people in our follow-up reported hot flashes, 40% belching, 35% nausea, 55% abdominal rest, 50% constipation, 100% urinary incontinence, and 65% loss of appetite. These figures were 20%, 30%, 30%, 50%, 60%, 100% and 70% in the control group, respectively. When comparing the complaints of patients of the main and control groups, differences were noted between them (r>0.05).

Conclusion: Among the external factors in H. pylori, there is a corresponding correlation with the severity of iron deficiency anemia; Helicobacter pylori should be detected in all patients with chronic iron deficiency anemia and gastrointestinal complaints;


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