
  • SAKHATALIEVA Raykhana Rafaelevna
  • ISROILOV Razhabboy Isroilovich
  • MAMATALIEVA Mavlyuda Alijanovna


bladder, cystitis, leukoplakia, immunohistochemistry, Bcl-2 protein


Objective: In this study, the degree of expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 was determined at different stages of bladder leukoplakia.

Methods:  The results showed that in the control group in the epithelium of the bladder, this protein was less expressed only in the basal layer.

Results:  At the first stage I of the development of leukoplakia, during the period of the onset of the metaplastic process in the variable epithelium, a high level of expression of the Bcl-2 protein was observed in the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium, where acanthosis developed.

In stage II leukoplakia, all epithelial cells are metaplastic and arranged vertically, their basal and interstitial cells express relatively high levels of the Bcl-2 protein, and in stage III of the disease, the expression of this protein is even higher.

Conclusions. Immunohistochemical study of bladder leukoplakia, that is, determining which layers of the integumentary stratified variable epithelium express the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, is an important factor in the diagnosis of this disease.


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