


trauma, Ilizarov apparatus, distraction, open fractures, bone defect, transosseous osteosynthesis.


The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with post-traumatic, post-osteomyelitic defects of long bones by the Ilizarov method using a new distraction device for bone lengthening in the specialized department of bone-purulent complications.

 Material and methods. The effectiveness of the use of a new distraction device in the layout of the Ilizarov apparatus in the dynamics of treatment of 11 patients treated in 2019-2020 was studied and analyzed. with an extensive bone defect in the bone tissue of the diaphysis of the tibia. Tibial defects were more than 6 cm. All patients were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 5 patients who were treated with the classical Ilizarov method. The remaining 6 patients were treated with the new device. The complexity of distraction osteosynthesis with the Ilizarov apparatus, the control of the movement of the osteotomized bone fragment, and the possibility of controlling the amount of movement were evaluated.

Results and discussion. In the process of treatment, patients using the Ilizarov apparatus have difficulties in the process of lengthening, associated with the need to lengthen on four threaded rods, since manipulations are performed on 8 elements, nuts, if lengthening is performed four times a day, 32 manipulations are performed at different points . The use of the proposed distraction device in the layout of the Ilizarov apparatus reduces the number of manipulations and reduces the complexity of distraction.

 Conclusions. The use of a new distraction device objectively reduces the laboriousness of distraction osteosynthesis with the device, increases the ease of use, both for the doctor and the patient when replacing a bone defect.


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