
  • INDIAMINOV Sayit Indiaminovich
  • ABDUMUMINOV Khasan Norboboevich


bicycle injury, cyclists, breasts, abdominal organs, injuries, diagnostics


Objective: to identify the features of the formation of lesions in the structure of the chest and abdomen in cyclists injured in road traffic accidents.

Methods: analysis of the results of the conclusions of a forensic medical examination was carried out in relation to 202 cyclists who died in an accident. Victims were injured as a result of collisions of moving other vehicles (TC) on the body of moving bicycles, of which in 151 cases the vehicle was hit from behind and in 51 cases - from the side on the body of bicycles.

The results obtained: when vehicles collide with a bicycle body from behind, cyclists develop bilateral rib fractures in 37.09% of cases, and when a vehicle collides with a bicycle body from the side, the damage to these structures is 48.27%. In both variants of the collision, frequent lesions of all ribs were noted, mainly along the midclavicular, anterior and middle axillary lines. Under the conditions of rear collision of vehicles on the body of a moving bicycle, cyclists often had fractures of the clavicles, bruises of the lungs and heart prevailed, as well as ruptures of the lung parenchyma. However, when vehicles collide with the body of a moving bicycle on the side, fractures of the bodies of the sternum, scapula and collarbone, as well as damage to the structure of the organs of the chest cavity, were rarely noted in cyclists, only bilateral fractures of the ribs were often noted, and skin lesions in the form of abrasions and bruises on the anterolateral parts of the body. It was revealed that in case of different variants of a vehicle collision with the body of a moving bicycle in injured cyclists, damage to the structure of the abdominal organs is detected in 22.27% of cases. In this case, ruptures of the liver are most often formed, then the spleen, up to their crushing.

Conclusions: In both variants of collisions, the formation of damage to the structure of the organs of the chest and abdomen was due to the fall and collision of the body of cyclists on a hard road surface - in the 2nd phase of an accident. Damage to these structures was accompanied by massive blood loss and shock phenomena, causing the death of the victims in the early stages of the post-traumatic period.


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