
  • INDIAMINOV Sayit Indiaminovich
  • DAVRANOVA Aziza Erkinovna


eyeball, appendages, blunt injuries, criteria, severity


Objective: to identify criteria for forensic medical assessment of the severity of harm in case of blunt mechanical damage to the structures of the eyeball and its appendages in children.

Methods: the data of medical records and the results of additional studies were studied in relation to 56 sick children who received damage to the organ of vision (OS) with various types of blunt trauma.

Results: it was found that among children, the largest number of OA injuries is observed in the age group from 4 to 17 years (48 out of 56 cases) and mostly boys, which is associated with their more active behavior. The circumstances of the origin of the trauma of the OZ were: in children under 3 years old - accidents caused by the impact of various sharp or pointed blunt objects; and in children aged 4 to 7 years, injuries occurred mainly during games, as well as due to the negligence of children when handling various objects and in some cases - when falling; at the same time, in older children (8-17 years old), injuries were received during a quarrel with peers or in various sports games. Based on the nature and complications of injuries of the eyeball and its appendages, the qualifying criteria for forensic medical assessment of the degree of harm children had - the duration of health disorders, the volume of permanent loss of general ability to work, as well as the loss of an organ (with blindness in both eyes), in addition, in some cases there were signs of cosmetic disorders associated with anophthalmos and subatrophy of the eyeball.

Conclusions: the revealed damages in the structures of the eyeball and its appendages in children in accordance with the specified criteria were qualified: to the category of light bodily injuries (12.5%); to the category of medium degree (82.1%); to the category of grievous bodily harm (5.4%). The predominance of the average degree of injury was due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of these structures in children.


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