
  • KAMALOVA Yokutkhon


football, wrestling, athletes, bioimpedance analyzer, morphological and functional indicators.


Objective: To study the age characteristics of the physical development of athletes involved in football and individual wrestling, the morphofunctional and bioimpedansometric features of their bodies

Methods: Bioimpedance analyzer Inbody 230 (South Korea) was used to determine the parameters of the component composition. The following parameters were determined: body weight, total muscle mass (ТMM), body fat tissue mass, total body fluid level (TBF), body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BFP), waist / thigh (W / Th), and basic metabolic index.

Results: The highest rates were found in children of primary school age involved in football: they have an average body length of 150 cm, body weight - 45.6 kg, waist circumference - 58 cm, hip circumference - 78 cm, relatively low physical development in children involved in football . in wrestling: body length - 128.0-145.0 cm, body weight - 32-45 kg, waist circumference - 58.5-63.3 cm, hip circumference - 68.3-75.6 cm.

Conclusions. A statistically significant correlation was found between body length, musculoskeletal mass, cell mass, fat mass and body mass index. Our results confirm that the examination of athletes by the bioimpedance method can be carried out in a short time and with high quality.


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