
  • TOKHTAEV Botir Umirzokovich
  • YUSUPOV Amin Azizovich
  • YUSUPOV Amin Azizovich
  • SAIDOV Temur Tolibovich


primary open-angle glaucoma, argon trabeculoplasty, Nd:YAG laser


The article discusses the issues of laser treatment in the complex treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma. A comparative analysis of all types of laser exposure, both on production and on the withdrawal of intraocular fluid, is given. Activation of trabeculae by Nd:YAG laser is described in detail as the most optimal method to improve aqueous humor output. It also provides the latest data with clinically validated data on the use of micropulse effects on the cardiovascular system, which can be used in the advanced stages of open-angle glaucoma.


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