
  • JALALOVA Dilfuza Zukhriddinovna
  • HADJIMETOV Abdumalik Abdugafurovich


endothelein, D-dimer, ischemia, lacrimal fluid


Objective: Measuring the concentration of D-dimer in the lacrimal fluid is the most acceptable and effective non-invasive diagnostic test in the management of patients with suspected thrombohemorrhagic complications.

Methods: The material was the data of 50 people aged 60 to 80 years. The control group consisted of 20 people who had no problems associated with the organ of vision, the main group (group 2) consisted of 30 patients with GR.

 Results: When comparing both groups in our studies, the following results were obtained: the level of D-dimer in patients of the main group was significantly higher than in patients of the control group. In patients with hypertension, the concentration of D-dimer in the lacrimal fluid reached the highest values ​​and amounted to 4189.53±19.54 ng/ml, against 1423.48±17.51 ​​ng/ml in the group of healthy individuals. Therefore, in response to the inflammatory response, fibrinolysis is activated, which is preceded by an increase in the coagulation cascade with excessive formation of insoluble fibrin and, as a result, an increase in the level of D-dimer in the SF in patients with AH.

Conclusions. The informativeness of the assessment of the level of D-dimer in the SF substantiates the possibility of using it as a reliable diagnostic and prognostic criterion for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, as well as for developing a treatment algorithm depending on the indicators of local fibrinolytic activity and for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment.


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