
  • NIYOZOVA Shakhnoza Khamoydinovna
  • KAMISHOV Sergey Viktorovich


chemotherapy, colorectal cancer, metastases, targeted drugs


Objective: to study the possibilities of targeted therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC).

Methods: three groups of 75 CRC patients with liver metastases received standard chemotherapy regimens (CT) XELOX and FOLFOX4; in the experimental groups, the treatment regimens included targeted drugs bevacizumab and cetuximab.

Results: the addition of targeted drugs to the treatment regimens for patients with metastatic CRC significantly increased both the overall survival of patients and increased the time for the appearance of signs of disease progression. The median follow-up was 42.3 months. At the same time, the best results were shown by the treatment regimen, including preoperative CT according to the XELOX / FOLFOX4 + bevacizumab regimens, the targeted drug cetuximab showed less results.

Conclusions. In our study, the inclusion of targeted drugs in conventional CT regimens significantly improved the effectiveness of treatment in patients with metastatic CRC. At the same time, the treatment regimen that included preoperative CT with the addition of the targeted drug bevacizumab showed the best results.


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